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Sailboats-boatdesign, Sailboats embody mystery sea, wind . offer variety sailboat sizes, construction techniques.. Sailboats embody the mystery of the sea, of going only where the wind is willing to take you. We offer a variety of sailboat sizes, using several construction techniques. Flats flyer design - boatbuilders site glen-., October 2017 purchased glen- flats flyer plans. september completed boat 1200 hours.. October 2017 A while back I purchased the Glen-L Flats Flyer plans. From last September thru this May I completed the boat in about 1200 hours. Zip design - boatbuilders site glen-., July 2017 built glen- zip zealand couple years . marine plywood hard find nz live big cities expensive.. July 2017 I have built a Glen-L Zip in New Zealand a couple years ago. Marine plywood is hard to find in NZ unless you live in one of the big cities even then it be rather expensive.
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